Feral Focus

National Science curriculum framework

Student outcomes and links to relevant activities

Feral Focus links directly to the following curriculum profiles and is designed for secondary students up to year 10.

Level 5 - Science

Strand Organiser Outcome Evident when students: Activity

Life and Living

Biodiversity, change and continuity

5.9 Identifies features of groups of living things that enable them to compete successfully in their environments.

  • Identify physical features that enable a species to compete successfully (the opposable thumb in humans and apes, features of successful weeds).
  • Investigate some organisms' capacity to take advantage of environmental changes, such as the ability of kangaroos to gain from forest clearing.
  • Explain how animal behaviours such as courtship, aggression, territoriality and caring for young enhance their survival.

Working Scientifically

Acting responsibly

5.18 Proposes and compares options when making decisions or taking action.

  • Produce alternative solutions to a problem (stopping a cat killing birds or iron rusting).

Level 6 - Science

Strand Organiser Outcome Evident when students: Activity

Life and Living

Living together

6.7 Analyses the effects of environmental change on living things and ecosystems.

  • Prepare a case for or against the use of a species for biological control of a pest or disease.

Working Scientifically

Acting responsibly

6.18 Analyses costs and benefits of alternative scientific choices about a community problem.

  • Present scientific evidence that assists on decisions about such issues as spraying insects versus biological control.
  • Identify stages in a solution or process for which costs and benefits might be assigned, and compare scientific choices at each stage.
  • List pros and cons of alternative scientific choices, including consideration of who benefits and who pays.

Level 7 - Science

Strand Organiser Outcome Evident when students: Activity

Earth and Beyond

The changing Earth

7.2 Describes the role of science in assessing the impact on the surfaces of the Earth of human intervention in particular places.

  • Report on the role of science in restoring particular landscapes (costal zones, quarries, forests, farmlands).