Feral Focus

New South Wales Science curriculum framework

Student outcomes and links to relevant activities

Feral Focus links directly to the following curriculum stages and is designed for secondary students up to year 10 including students with special interests needs (refer to Life Skills section).

Stage 4 - Science

Knowledge and Understanding


Students learn about:

Students learn to:



4.10 A student identifies factors affecting survival of organisms in an ecosystem.


  • describe some adaptations of living things to factors in their environment
  • describe, using examples of food chains and food webs from Australian ecosystems, how producers, consumers and decomposers are related

Stage 5 - Science

Knowledge and Understanding


Students learn about:

Students learn to:



5.10 A student assesses human impacts on the interaction of biotic and abiotic features of the environment.


  • describe some impacts of human activities on ecosystems

Life Skills - Science


Students learn about:

Students learn to:


LS.16 A student describes the impact of human activity on living systems.

the effect of feral and domestic animals on the native fauna and their environment

  • recognise feral and domestic animals eg foxes, cats, rabbits, carp
  • identify native animals that may be affected by the introduction/presence of feral/domestic animals eg possums, frogs, parrots
  • identify native animals that may be affected by feral or domestic animals in the local environment eg loss of food sources, habitat loss
  • explore ways in which individuals can lessen the impact of feral and domestic animals eg bells on cats, providing breeding boxes