Feral Focus links directly to the following curriculum bands and is designed for secondary students up to year 10.
Strand |
Outcomes |
Indicators |
Activity |
Working Scientifically | 4.4 Acting Responsibly propose and implement responsible scientific actions when making decisions or taking action |
4.5 Science in Society review the contributions to the development of scientific ideas, made by individuals and groups, past and present, and consider the factors that assisted or hindered them |
Concepts and Contexts |
4.2 Life and Living examine scientific evidence for models and concepts that are used to explain the processes connecting living systems and that lead to change |
4.4 Earth and Beyond use scientific ideas to explain changes in the physical environment in terms of cycles and human exploitation |
Strand |
Outcomes |
Indicators |
Activity |
Working Scientifically |
5.4 Acting Responsibly making decisions and take action with consideration to the ethical, social and environmental implications |
Concepts and Contexts |
5.2 Life and Living analyse concepts and principles relating to interactions, balance, continuity and change in living things |