Feral Focus

South Australia Science curriculum framework

Student outcomes and links to relevant activities

Feral Focus links directly to the following curriculum standards and is designed for secondary students up to year 10.

Standard 4 - Science


Learning Outcomes

Indicators examples of evidence include that the student:


Life Systems

4.5 Investigates and explains the functioning of living systems from the microscopic to the macroscopic.

  • hypothesises and investigates the effects of introducing a new species to environments, showing how factors such as habitat, predator/prey relationships and competition for food could be affected

4.6 Explores how living things have changed over geological time and debates the value of species diversity and the ethics of human intervention.

  • interrogates and debates issues associated with species diversity, including contemporary rates of species loss and human use of natural environments

Standard 5 - Science


Learning Outcomes

Indicators examples of evidence include that the student:


Life Systems

5.5 Interprets and uses information about the structure and function of living systems and their relationship to survival of ecosystems.

  • analyses physical features that enable a species to compete successfully (eg opposable thumb in humans and apes, surface or taproots in plants) within a sustainable environment
  • evaluates how an organism's behaviour (eg courtship, aggression, response to light) enhances its chance of survival
  • discusses and evaluates the importance of biological, social and cultural adaptations in assisting the move of humans towards ecologically sustainable development