Feral Focus

South Australia Society and Environment curriculum framework

Student outcomes and links to relevant activities

Feral Focus links directly to the following curriculum standards and is designed for secondary students up to year 10.

Standard 4 - Society and Environment


Learning Outcomes

Indicators examples of evidence include that the student:


Place, Space and Environment

4.5 Hypothesises, then collects, records, organises and evaluates data from field-work, print and electronic sources, in order to analyse local and global, environmental or socio-economic issues.

  • identifies a suitable geographic issue for research (eg present and likely future jobs in the local area/region, areas of remnant habitats)


4.6 Identifies and describes ways that places and natural environments are valued or threatened, and discusses strategies related to ecological sustainability.

  • discusses the effects of changes on environments, identifying who and what benefits and loses from change
  • explores the influence on change of diverse lobby groups (eg farmers' groups, mining companies, corporations such as retail giants, environmental groups), and analyses ways to work for environmental sustainability

Standard 5 - Society and Environment


Learning Outcomes

Indicators examples of evidence include that the student:


Time, Continuity and Change

5.2 Researches and analyses primary and secondary sources to contextualise, justify and act on the basis of their interpretation of an issue, event or pattern.

  • contextualises the analysis of the issue, event or pattern, including culture, time, environments and power
  • reports publicly on research, analyses data and justifies their own interpretation of an event, issue or pattern

Place, Space and Environment

5.4 Analyses and justifies personal views about similarities and differences between regions, in Australia and globally, identifying factors which shape dominant natural, sociocultural, political, economic and environmental contexts.

  • describes and examines natural features (eg landforms, climates, soils, habitats) and identifies factors affecting them
  • analyses and reports on some factors affecting land use in natural environments and rural or urban areas, using examples from case studies

5.5 Reports on an issue related to people's sustainable use of resources or places, after critically analysing information from multiple sources and discussing the political implications of decisions.

  • uses inquiry strategies to collect, analyse and synthesise data from graphs, statistics, reports, texts, maps, and audiovisual and electronic media