Victoria Science curriculum framework
Student outcomes and links to relevant activities
Feral Focus links directly to the following curriculum profiles and is designed for secondary students up to year 10.
Progressing towards Level 5 - Science
Standards |
Progression point 4.25 |
Progression point 4.5 |
Progression point 4.75 |
Activity |
Science knowledge and understanding |
- awareness of change over time in scientific ideas within biological contexts
- knowledge of the function/s of the components of systems; for example, trophic levels in ecosystems...
- knowledge of factors which have impacted on the development of scientific ideas over time within chemical, physical, biological, earth and/or space science contexts
- knowledge of the relationships between components of systems, including understanding of changes over time; for example, the impact of extinction on ecosystem populations...
- comparison of alternative viewpoints about existing scientific ideas
- analysis of the impact of factors which cause change in living and non-living systems over short and long periods of time: for example, urbanisation impacts on ecosystems...
Science at work |
- understanding of factors which may affect attitudes to a scientific idea or issue of interest
- understanding of different perspectives and attitudes involved in a scientific idea or issue of interest, presented through models, images or diagrams
- balanced argument in addressing a scientific idea or issue of interest to an audience
Progressing towards Level 6 - Science
Standards |
Progression point 5.25 |
Progression point 5.5 |
Progression point 5.75 |
Activity |
Science at work |
- awareness of different approaches to developing scientific knowledge or solving a particular scientific problem
- identification of different approaches to developing and communicating scientific knowledge or solving a scientific problem, including examples of correct and incorrect use of scientific language in the mass media
- comparison of different approaches to solving and communicating scientific problems of broad community concern, including a description of the impact of mass media communications